Fare system - Arriva Italia - Bergamo - Staging
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Fare System

Fare system for suburban transport services in the Bergamo basin

The fare system in force in Bergamo’s province is a “zone” system.

With the zone system, the territory of the province has been divided into eight areas (Valle Seriana, Valle Brembana, Pianura Sud-Est, Pianura Sud Ovest, Pianura Sud, Lago d’Iseo, Val Cavallina e Val Borlezza, Val di Scalve e Via Mala), and each area in zones, each of which normally includes one or more town with their fractions.

The width of each area is about 7 km.

How it works the zone fare system

The system works according to a very simple principle as “the rates are calculated according to the number of areas crossed starting from the area where the departure location is located”.

For the journeys on the line within the same zone the tariff A is applied; following the route of the line, for every passage of zone, counting the departure zone, corresponds a tariff step: one zone = A, two zones = B, three zones = C etc., even if you change bus and line, provided you connect.

Since all the stops and hamlets of the same centre belong to the same area, there are no changes in the rate for those who continue the route inside the same area as long as buses are used from the same company.

An exception to the system is the “semi-zone” (areas with urban characteristics), whereby those travelling between locations within the semi-zone itself is subject to a special tariff (A1).

Fare system for suburban transport services in the Lecco basin and Val Camonica

In the Val Camonica and in the Province of Lecco, on the other hand, there is the fare system of “linear” divided into distance classes.

This system is therefore active on the lines of the Lecco area and on the BS1 and BS2 lines, that are the lines that cross three provinces, connecting Milan to Ponte di Legno.

How it works the linear fare system

According to the linear model, the main parameter for determining rates is the distance travelled, articulated in kilometric blocks (sections). The passage from one section to the next takes place every 5 kilometres, up to a distance of 40 kilometres, after which the passage takes place every 10 kilometres.

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